Monday, August 07, 2006

Too Much Drama for this Momma...

Things since Thursday have been a whirlwind. Remember the surgery Jake's dad had? It was a good thing that he had those problems with the anesthesia because they admitted him for observation. By the time I saw him on Friday his eyes were rolling back in his head and he was on oxygen and an IV, when I saw him on Saturday, he had no color at all. They finally did a CT scan and showed internal bleeding - they had to give him 6 units of blood - which brought his blood level up to 9 - supposed to be 13 I believe. His doctor made me the contact person as Jake's dad had nodded his consent to that and so I was fielding calls from the doctor, I had to contact his family to tell them what was going on and to tell them to get up here to take care of him because he was scared and alone and completely unable to do anything for himself and ... ummm... that's just not my position with him anymore. So, they finally did arrive on Saturday night. He will probably be released tomorrow if all continues to go well. What a fiasco.

Bart is down to 229 and looks DAMN good, if I do say so myself. Guess it's time to get my size 4/6 but squishy backside back in the gym - gonna need to be strong to walk around behind him swinging a big baseball bat to keep all the girls away. Seriously though, he is looking and feeling great and I'm very proud of him for taking care of himself like this.

I submitted my final research paper tonight for Philosophy. All I have left is my Final Exam that I have to take by Thursday and my first semester back in college will be done! One down, a jillion to go.

Finally.... ONLY 6 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL.... What I won't miss.... "Mom, I'm bored."


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