Thursday, July 27, 2006

The bad friend dusts off the treadmill...

I got the treadmill into operational status again today. Just ran/walked a mile. Will try to increase that next week. Really, something must be done about my a**. It is too big and not perky enough. Would like to whip my abs in shape too.

In other news, I am sad because I pissed off a friend of mine. She has some serious health problems and usually I know how to be sympathetic - this time, I screwed up. I gave her the "suck it up" speech. She ALWAYS sucks it up. It was not what she needed to hear. Hopefully I get brownie points for throwing myself under the bus before she had a chance to do so and she'll forgive me. If not... well, that would just suck.

I'm off to nurse a glass of wine and fix some dinner.

A bit anxiously,

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