Thursday, September 16, 2004

I'm still alive

I haven't posted for a while out of gross frustration with Blogger. I had written a lengthy, thought provoking post and Blogger would not let me post it. So, I went on strike temporarily but I have crossed the line now and I'm back.

I had an OB appt yesterday and after waiting for the baby to be still long enough for the doctor to find it's heartbeat - there it was - that coll swish, swish sound. I don't know why I worry so much this pregnancy. I wasn't like this with the last two.

It doesn't help that I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions since week 14. The doctor says that to make them stop I should lie down and drink fluids. Ha! My doctor doesn't realize I slave away at the office for 10 hours a day and have a 1 hour commute back and forth. So, that's 12 hours a day that I just CAN'T lie down. Sigh.

Waiting to hear how my grandparents are doing afer Ivan. They live in Milton, FL which is not far from Pensacola. My poor family has had quite the summer down in FL. Note to self: do NOT move to hurricane country. Life here in Tornado alley is MUCH better. (Whatever!)

Well, back to work I go.


1 comment:

Beth said...

I think you'll just have to take it easy whenever you can. The contractions would worry me some too.

Good to hear you're alright, though!