Friday, September 24, 2004

Blank Stare

I will share this about me, if I am sitting there with a blank stare on my face, don't ask me what's on my mind. I mean, really, you don't care to know and if I was honest with you you'd just look at me as if suddenly I sprouted a second head.

I was lunching with a couple of girls from work today and this exact scenario occured. See, one of the girls said she had brought some of her clients to this particular restaurant in the past and that one of them drank Guiness - a lot of it - and said 'cheers' a lot in a British accent. So, there began the spinning in my head.

Thought 1: I met a guy once that was from England, what was that guys name? Oh, who cares.
Thought 2: Reflected on posts made by an English blogger about his wife that was expecting.
Thought 3: I wonder if Bart would blog about becoming a father.
Thought 4: I can't wait to have a margarita again someday.
Thought 5: We'll have to get a sitter.
Thought 6: I need to get skinny.

Then the question came (as I have that glazed over look on my face) "What's on your mind?"

Proper Answer: Nothing.

Mercy. I have ALWAYS been this way. Is the rest of the world as random as all that?


1 comment:

Stacia said...

Yes, of course everyone's elses brain works like that. That's why my favorite TV show is Scrubs, because that's how life it for, that damn squirrel is back and if he pees on my furniture one more time. . .what was I saying? Oh yeah, the brain just works in weird ways. Speaking of weird, did you. . . ok, nevermind!