Tuesday, June 15, 2004


I've resigned myself to thinking that I'm just not pregnant this month. Ok, I'm a liar. I'm TRYING to resign myself into thinking I'm not. That my boobs hurt often before my period. That I've always been able to smell little things. That many of those things would make anyone sick. That my belly ballooning the way it has is a result of pizza, strawberry trifle, chicken fajitas and cheese burgers. That the pain in my pelvic area is gas from the aforementioned pizza, strawberry trifle, chicken fajitas, and cheese burgers. That my instinctive, sudden aversion to picking up heavy things is just my head playing games with me. That my shortness of breath has more to do with 92% humidity and 100 degree heat than being pregged.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

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