Monday, August 16, 2004

1st day of school 2004

Morgan went into the 5th grade this year and Jake is doing the kindergarten thing again. He was so young going in last year that, even though he was academically ready for the 1st grade, we felt he'd benefit emotionally, etc. by hanging back a year. He doesn't seem to mind too awful much. Hope that remains the case.

Today I am 12 weeks pregnant today and am so big. My belly is round and my breasts are huge but less sore. Twelve weeks is good - it's so amazing. Apparently, my baby has everything it needs now - it just has to get bigger and it's parts have to develop now that they are there.

I hate every name I ever thought I'd like. I agonize over my children's names. Why does this happen to me? I'm really going to try not to think about names again until October when we will know if this is a boy or girl flavored baby.

Oh, by the way, I am now officially OUT of every pair of non-maternity pants I own. Waaaah.

More later...

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