Thursday, July 08, 2004

Sweet Bart

After all that written venting of yesterday - last night I got home and Bart headed straight for the shower. I cried. I was so happy. See, the smell of his smoke and glisten-y sweat (it's summer in Dallas) has all of the sudden become worse than death to my pregnant self. He was so sweet and then when he went out again, he made sure to deodorize himself as well as he could. Let me clarify, Bart himself doesn't stink it's just that now I'm pregged I have the skills of a bloodhound and I don't have the stomach to handle it.

This morning is BAD. I'm sick. I almost lost it on the way in to work but I made it. Barely.

Bart's boss talked with him about switching him to 1st shift! FINALLY! He's been working 3rd shift since March of '03. Oh happy day. It won't be until end of August or so - I'm just going to pray that something doesn't happen to change that between now and then.



1 comment:

Stacia said...

Girl, I'm sorry you don't feel well. I hope it gets better soon. Well, I'm off to work myself. Wonder if someone will talk to me more or less than usual. I'll let you know. Stacia