Friday, July 09, 2004

Food I.V.

Maybe if I had an intravenous line of food it would be better. Let me break this down for you. If I get hungry, am full, or eat the wrong thing - I'm sick. If I am not constantly with food in my stomach - I am sick. BUT there is always only one thing or two on the globe that sound good at any given time so the process is challenging. For grins I should start writing about the food I'm eating. Let me begin by saying that yesterday I drank pickle juice. I'm not EVEN kidding. Today, that doesn't sound so great.

Today (it's 10:15am now)
2 pcs of wheat toast with peanut butter
Bagel with american cheese, tomato, and salt and pepper (THAT was really good!!)
2 peppermints
2 Rolaids
1 c. grape juice

It's not even noon yet. Sigh. It's going to be a long couple of months.


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