Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Destruction: Self and Otherwise

A person that I know well who shall remain nameless in order to protect the less than innocent: well, he is destructive. Less so than before, but still destructive. Case in point is this: car wouldn't start, someone tried to talk him down from the "ledge" by stating that "these things happen", this someone then dented the roof of his car and kicked in the wheel well a bit. The "silver lining" bit having failed, the witness to all this madness turned on her heel and went back in the house to leave the destructive person to his own little rant.



1 comment:

Beth said...

Steve does that too. I've started laughing hysterically at him before, which has sometimes worked, and sometimes just makes him even more pissed. BUT? Occasionally? He actually DOES start laughing at himself with me.