Thursday, December 15, 2005

Random Facts

I'm going to try to see if I have 100 Random Facts about me... I thought I couldn't think of five so I decided to challenge myself.

1. I was born in Johnson City, TN.
2. I lived there until I was 10.
3. My mother and father divorced when I was one.
4. I never remember living with him.
5. My mother remained single until 2 months before we moved to Texas.
6. I have 1 older brother that is 36, twin half brother and sister that are 17, and a baby half brother that is 15.
7. My dad always had money and nice things.
8. We never did.
9. I had to work hard to forgive that.
10. I once had to wear plastic bags over my shoes because I didn't have snowboots.
11. My mother is the truest, best person I have ever met.
12. My maternal grandmother is the reason why.
13. Stacia is tied for 3rd.
14. I love Stacia more than some of my family members.
15. I remember what she wore on the first day of school. It was an olive green skirt with a tropical looking short sleeve shirt with earrings that look like bronze shields with a bronze feather looking thing hanging off of them and boots. (I bet she still has them)
16. We bonded through difficulty.
17. I wouldn't trade her for any amount of money. Literally.
18. I got my GED because I was too lazy to finish the TWO credits I had left - a language and an elective.
19. I regret that.
20. I doubt my ability to learn a language.
21. I regret not planning my pregnancies.
22. But would not trade the experience of birthing, raising, and loving my babies for anything in the world.
23. I regret compromising myself for the sake of a so-called relationship, time and time again.
24. I think I'm getting dumber every year.
25. I want to change that desperately.
26. I'm scared to death of getting fat.
27. I would do anything to prevent it.
28. I think my mom could have avoided being ill just by taking better care of herself.
29. I think my stepmom was ultimately a better match for my dad.
30. Even though he was sleeping with her when married to my mom.
31. Sometimes it seems I'm a bit more like my stepmom than my mom.
32. That's both bad and good.
33. I always wanted to stay home with my kids.
34. I finally got what I wanted.
35. Now I want more.
36. I am disappointed with myself about that.
37. I am also relieved that I feel that way.
38. I have an unshakeable faith in God.
39. And virtually no faith in the people that believe in Him.

I'll be back to finish this later.... baby is crying.


1 comment:

Stacia said...

There's nothing wrong with wanting more. Besides, kids can suck the life out of you. And you're not getting dumber ever year. I love you!