Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Humbug and other Grinchy thoughts

I think it is safe to say that I am not much in the holiday mood this year. I feel skittish about spending money this year with Baby Francesca's debut right around the corner. I also don't feel like shopping. I just feel like finding a position in which I can be comfortable - I just want a full night's sleep (no comment needed - I know what I'm in store for, I've done this twice before) - I just want Christmas to be over. Sigh. So, bah. Bah Humbug. Double bah.

Other than that, what can I say.... I got the results for my labwork and my blood sugar is good, I'm anemic, and my other test was negative. Which is very, very good.

Umm... I'm blank now. Nothing more to write about at this time.



Beth said...

Yeah. I've bought exactly zero christmas presents. And sent out that many cards. And that's just how some years go.

But pregnant? I'd be WAYYY worse about it. So you have my sympathies.

Stacia said...

But you'll get to see me over christmas! And, if I haven't already told you, I don't need any presents. I just love seeing you and the family. Maybe I'll make you banana bread. we'll see. I'll be in dallas a week from tomorrow.

Bart's Camille said...

Stacia, you're right!! BTW, I was thinking of you and your banana bread just last week as I was staring at the rotting bananas on my counter top. Isn't it good to know how often (and why) you're in my thoughts! Ha-ha. I tossed them. I lacked your skill and any ambition to try for a decent loaf of banana bread.
Can't wait to see you!!!!!!