Monday, June 07, 2004


I just wrote a nice long post and erased it. So now you get the pleasure of reading a quick condensed version.

Bart and I commenced to attempt babymaking this weekend as I was in "primetime". We want this so badly. Bart told me last night that his grandma on his dad's side had twins. Doesn't that skip a generation??? Anyway, we are now in the agonizing "TWW", two-week wait. Appropriately enough, the day I'll know with absolute certainty is June 20th - Father's Day. Would be a nice present, huh?

Had a good weekend, saw a stupid movie, enjoyed relaxing with my Bart. My daughter turned 10 last week. We had her party at Build a Bear - where you assemble a stuffed animal and dress it, etc. I wanted to make one. I'm going to too, just as soon as I find out that I am pregged, I'll make one for the little guy/girl.

I'm trying not to be too optimistic but, as you can see, I can't really help it.

Well, hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go.


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